Why should you attend Woodbuild Wales?

It is now less than two weeks till Woodbuild Wales. It’s a busy time of year on the events calendar but we have been delighted with the response so far. Act now to register and come and see how efficient, sustainable and affordable timber housing can be achieved here in Wales.
In my last blog I said that this time I would be giving you compelling reasons why you should be attending Woodbuild Wales. Here are those reasons.
Firstly, our speakers. Our speakers will expertly take us through the opportunities for timber housing in Wales and how this is being re-thought to provide the quality and quantity of new housing required in Wales. We will discuss how it is possible to achieve high performance timber buildings - affordably and the outlook for using home grown timber, in structural elements, wall panels, insulation, cladding, windows and doors.
The second reason why you should attend Woodbuild Wales is to hear an update on the £20 million Innovative Housing project. This project is looking for new ideas, new ways of doing things and innovative solutions. Woodbuild Wales offers the perfect occasion to make those connections, build project ideas, find partners and show how the Welsh timber supply chain can unlock massive opportunities for growth and innovation in housing.
And this leads on to the third reason to come and join your colleagues from other housing associations at Woodbuild Wales, the timber supply chain. A competent and complete supply chain for delivering timber housing in Wales does exist and the growing number of buildings constructed using these techniques is testament to this. Woodbuild Wales is your opportunity to meet some of that supply chain, the sawmills (large and small), material suppliers, find out about wood-based insulations, how to design better buildings and communities, modified timber to enhance performance, why timber windows will outperform uPVC and many more answers to the question “Why should I switch to timber?”
The supply chain and your sector are supported by technical sector organisations such as TRADA and the Structural Timber Association who will be joining us at Woodbuild Wales. Come and find out about the skills and services they offer and how they can support you in the transition to using more of the ultimate construction material – timber.
And finally Woodbuild Wales is about you and your organisation and how you want to see the housing sector develop in Wales.
See you at Woodbuild Wales. Book here now.