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Housing Hub

Housing Hub

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Housing Matters campaign

Housing Matters campaign

We are now calling on Welsh Government to increase the Housing Support Grant (HSG) in its budget for 2024/25.

Cost of living: latest research into impact on tenants

Cost of living: latest research into impact on tenants

We're urging the UK and Welsh governments to act now and prevent social housing tenants being pushed further in to poverty by the cost of living. Find out more here.

Cost of living: how housing associations are tackling the crisis

Cost of living: how housing associations are tackling the crisis

As we campaign nationally, find out how housing associations are providing vital support to their tenants in Wales.

What we’ve been doing…

£327m invested into developing new homes in 2017/18, a rise of almost 7% from 2016/17

5% increase in turnover for the sector, with £445m of that invested back into regeneration throughout the year

The sector now owns and manages 162,439 homes

Housing Associations in Wales directly spent £1.2bn in 2018, of which 84% was retained in Wales

The indirect supplier effect meant the total contribution to the economy was over £2bn

Housing fixed asset levels, before depreciation, are now shown at £7.4bn, a 7.2% increase from 2017