The Language of Housing

Whilst sitting in a meeting listening to someone constructing a sentence based predominantly on acronyms, I realised quite how overwhelming the terminology, acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations can be.
All sectors have them and it can be a language in itself. One that you have to learn just so that you can understand articles; know what’s going on in meetings or have conversations that don’t take twice as long as necessary, but the thought of learning all the new jargon can make getting into a new sector or even moving to a different area within one a daunting experience.
If you’re thinking of embarking upon a career in the housing sector and have come across this blog, or are moving across different roles, then bookmark this page and watch it become an invaluable tool to have by your side!
ACG: Acceptable Cost Guidance
AHP: Affordable Housing Programme
AHR: Affordable Housing Review
AM: Assembly Member
APA: Alternative Payment Arrangement (for example MPTL)
AST: Assured Shorthold Tenancy
CCRCD: Cardiff Capital Region City Deal
CEW: Constructing Excellence in Wales
CHC: Community Housing Cymru
CIL: Community Infrastructure Levy
CPO: Compulsory Purchase Order
DHP: Discretionary Housing Payment
DQR: Development Quality Requirements
DWP: Department for Work & Pensions
FOI: Freedom of Information
FMB: Federation of Master Builders
GDPR: General Data Protection Regulations
GPDO: General Permitted Development Order
HA: Housing Association (Registered Social Landlord)
HBF: Home Builder’s Federation
HFG: Housing Finance Grant
HHSRS: Housing Health and Safety Rating System
HMO: Houses in Multiple Occupation
HNI: Housing Needs Indicator
HO: Housing Officer
HRA: Housing Revenue Account
HRA: Housing Revenue Grant
HSG: Housing Support Grant
IHP: Innovative Housing Programme
IIF: Innovation and Investment Fund
IWA: Institute of Welsh Affairs
LA: Local Authority
LCHO: Low Cost Home Ownership
LDO: Local Development Order
LDP: Local Development Plan
LHA: Local Housing Allowance
LHMA: Local Housing Market Assessment
LPAs: Local Planning Authorities
LSVT: Large Scale Voluntary Transfer
MMC: Modern Methods of Construction
MPTL: Managed Payment To Landlord (a type of APA)
NDF: National Development Framework
NoSP: Notice Seeking Possession
OSM: Off Site Manufacturing
PFI: Private Finance Initiative
PRS: Private Rented Sector
RCC: Regional Collaborative Committee
RPB: Regional Partnership Board
RSL: Registered Social Landlord (Housing Association)
SDG: Strategic Delivery Group
SDP: Strategic Development Plan
SP: Supporting People
SpAd: Special Advisor
SHG: Social Housing Grant
SRS: Social Rented Sector
SUDS: Sustainable Urban Drainage System
TAN: Technical Advice Note
TCPA: Town and Country Planning Act
UC: Universal Credit
VfM: Value for Money
WAO: Welsh Audit Office
WBFGA: Wellbeing of Future Generations Act
WERU: Welsh Economy Research Unit
WHCS: Welsh Housing Conditions Survey
WHQS: Welsh Housing Quality Standards
WLGA: Welsh Local Government Association
All sectors have them and it can be a language in itself. One that you have to learn just so that you can understand articles; know what’s going on in meetings or have conversations that don’t take twice as long as necessary, but the thought of learning all the new jargon can make getting into a new sector or even moving to a different area within one a daunting experience.
If you’re thinking of embarking upon a career in the housing sector and have come across this blog, or are moving across different roles, then bookmark this page and watch it become an invaluable tool to have by your side!
ACG: Acceptable Cost Guidance
AHP: Affordable Housing Programme
AHR: Affordable Housing Review
AM: Assembly Member
APA: Alternative Payment Arrangement (for example MPTL)
AST: Assured Shorthold Tenancy
CCRCD: Cardiff Capital Region City Deal
CEW: Constructing Excellence in Wales
CHC: Community Housing Cymru
CIL: Community Infrastructure Levy
CPO: Compulsory Purchase Order
DHP: Discretionary Housing Payment
DQR: Development Quality Requirements
DWP: Department for Work & Pensions
FOI: Freedom of Information
FMB: Federation of Master Builders
GDPR: General Data Protection Regulations
GPDO: General Permitted Development Order
HA: Housing Association (Registered Social Landlord)
HBF: Home Builder’s Federation
HFG: Housing Finance Grant
HHSRS: Housing Health and Safety Rating System
HMO: Houses in Multiple Occupation
HNI: Housing Needs Indicator
HO: Housing Officer
HRA: Housing Revenue Account
HRA: Housing Revenue Grant
HSG: Housing Support Grant
IHP: Innovative Housing Programme
IIF: Innovation and Investment Fund
IWA: Institute of Welsh Affairs
LA: Local Authority
LCHO: Low Cost Home Ownership
LDO: Local Development Order
LDP: Local Development Plan
LHA: Local Housing Allowance
LHMA: Local Housing Market Assessment
LPAs: Local Planning Authorities
LSVT: Large Scale Voluntary Transfer
MMC: Modern Methods of Construction
MPTL: Managed Payment To Landlord (a type of APA)
NDF: National Development Framework
NoSP: Notice Seeking Possession
OSM: Off Site Manufacturing
PFI: Private Finance Initiative
PRS: Private Rented Sector
RCC: Regional Collaborative Committee
RPB: Regional Partnership Board
RSL: Registered Social Landlord (Housing Association)
SDG: Strategic Delivery Group
SDP: Strategic Development Plan
SP: Supporting People
SpAd: Special Advisor
SHG: Social Housing Grant
SRS: Social Rented Sector
SUDS: Sustainable Urban Drainage System
TAN: Technical Advice Note
TCPA: Town and Country Planning Act
UC: Universal Credit
VfM: Value for Money
WAO: Welsh Audit Office
WBFGA: Wellbeing of Future Generations Act
WERU: Welsh Economy Research Unit
WHCS: Welsh Housing Conditions Survey
WHQS: Welsh Housing Quality Standards
WLGA: Welsh Local Government Association