Tai Calon's 'Lifft' project gives tenants a new lease of life

“You were like an angel that came to me in a time of need, I was suicidal and now have hope”.
Launched in April 2017, Tai Calon’s ‘Lifft’ project helps Blanaeu Gwent tenants to maintain their accommodation by offering a 'one-stop shop' support service. The team help tenants to become self-sufficient by offering emotional support, useful information and help with setting goals.
Staff use an innovative cognitive behavioural skills approach to facilitate change, which aims to deal directly with the root issues that may cause negative behaviour. This has made a positive impact on tenants’ future, wellbeing, community and housing situation. A survey with service users has shown 94% are satisfied with the support they have received, and client wellbeing has increased by 17%.
As a result of the service, more residents are becoming more financially and digitally included and capable; have built resilience to deal with daily challenges, to retain a sense of stability and security; have been able to sustain secure housing regardless of tenure; have increased aspirations and an ability to become more socially included.
One tenant who has benefitted from ‘Lifft’ is Rose*, who suffers with acute depression. She was experiencing suicidal thoughts due to health problems, and sought support from her support worker, Lisa*. Lisa worked with specialist health professionals and wrote supporting letters to ensure Rose’s problems were being addressed by health professionals.
Thanks to Lisa’s help, Rose has now received the emotional support she needed to resolve her health problems. She feels more positive about their future and no longer feels suicidal. In addition, social activities have been set-up to connect Rose with the community. This has helped her to not only to sustain their tenancy but to also have a sense of worth and improved wellbeing, both physically and mentally. She now feels brighter about her future and has greater resilience in dealing with problems.
*not real name