If good housing was a basic right for all, people would be healthier

CHC's Housing Horizons vision for the sector was launched at our Annual Conference on Thursday 16th November. You can read the vision and watch our video here.
If good housing was a basic right for all, people would be healthier, more prosperous and more connected.
Read on to find out how housing associations are already contributing to the first element of the Housing Horizons vision.
In One Place
The ‘In One Place’ programme in Gwent has been set up by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, five local authorities and eight housing associations to support people living with long-lasting health problems.
Paul King had an accident several years ago that changed his life forever. The injuries he sustained means he now needs 24 hour care. In One Place and Melin Homes supported Paul and his wife, helping them to find a home that was more suitable for Paul’s needs.
“We just wanted to have a home together,” explained Paul. “It couldn’t have been better even if I designed it myself.”
Paul believes his new home is wonderful and has definitely helped to make life a little easier.
“This house means I’m able to do some things for myself. It can be humiliating having people do everything for you. Moving in here has meant the world to me.
“I’m very grateful to Melin because they’ve given me the chance to have a better quality of life.”
Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd's WHQS improvement programme
Between 2010-2015, Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd (CCG) embarked on a £136m improvement programme to bring its 6,300 houses up to Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS).
An independent company was commissioned to measure the impact of the work within Gwynedd’s communities, and the final report clearly states the positive effect on tenants’ health.
The total social worth in respect of health was £44,645,813 per year (an average of £7,878 per tenant). 55% of tenants agreed that their children's health had improved, and 45% of tenants believe the improvements have enabled them to stay at home for longer.
An Occupational Therapist with Gwynedd Council's Children's Team said: "During the past three years, I have supported many families who have received improvements to their homes by CCG. Having a better home to provide care, better access and the ability to use specialist equipment for children with physical disabilities is essential for many reasons. It reduces the risks with moving and handling, develops their independence, improves living standards and the child has better access to the rest of the home to be with all the family.
"Hearing that the children's behaviour (children with autism) is easier to manage, that schools and parents can cope better and parents get more sleep is positive feedback that I've received from families.”