Hafan Cymru Chief Executive wins Inspirational and Innovative CEO Award

Siân Morgan joined Hafan Cymru as Chief Executive in January 2016, since then, she has been responsible for the day-to-day management and implementation of the business plan. She was also recently appointed as Vice Chair of Cymorth Cymru which supports social care services and providers of homelessness.
Most recently, Siân is celebrating being awarded as Inspirational and Innovative CEO for the charity sector at the CEO UK Awards 2018.
Speaking about the award, Siân said:
“I was very surprised but delighted to hear that I had been nominated for the award; it gave me the recognition that I am taking the business on the right journey.
“When I joined Hafan Cymru, there was a disconnect between the leadership’s concept, and what staff did with that concept , so the organisation had become complacent, with a lack of leadership. The first 12 months were difficult, and I faced a lot of barriers, however, the Head of Finance and I were able to successfully tackle the cash flow issues and together we introduced new financial processes and procedures to tighten up the expenditure of the business. My next approach was to review the organisational structure and reduce the high overheads that Head Office was carrying. I worked closely with the Board of Management to agree on an organisational structure that would ensure we had the right skills in the right place with the right processes and procedures. We now have a business that thinks and behaves commercially; we are winning new lucrative contracts, recently achieved investors in people standard and received a glowing report from our external auditors and all this has been achieved within an 18-month period
“I believe that staff need to feel listened to and understood, and to see that action has been taken and commitment and promises delivered on. I will continue to ensure that everyone in the organisation sees themselves as leaders in their field, and I will stand firm against the winds of resistance and continue to promote courage and resilience to enable us to continue of our journey of change.”
Most recently, Siân is celebrating being awarded as Inspirational and Innovative CEO for the charity sector at the CEO UK Awards 2018.
Speaking about the award, Siân said:
“I was very surprised but delighted to hear that I had been nominated for the award; it gave me the recognition that I am taking the business on the right journey.
“When I joined Hafan Cymru, there was a disconnect between the leadership’s concept, and what staff did with that concept , so the organisation had become complacent, with a lack of leadership. The first 12 months were difficult, and I faced a lot of barriers, however, the Head of Finance and I were able to successfully tackle the cash flow issues and together we introduced new financial processes and procedures to tighten up the expenditure of the business. My next approach was to review the organisational structure and reduce the high overheads that Head Office was carrying. I worked closely with the Board of Management to agree on an organisational structure that would ensure we had the right skills in the right place with the right processes and procedures. We now have a business that thinks and behaves commercially; we are winning new lucrative contracts, recently achieved investors in people standard and received a glowing report from our external auditors and all this has been achieved within an 18-month period
“I believe that staff need to feel listened to and understood, and to see that action has been taken and commitment and promises delivered on. I will continue to ensure that everyone in the organisation sees themselves as leaders in their field, and I will stand firm against the winds of resistance and continue to promote courage and resilience to enable us to continue of our journey of change.”