Cartrefi Conwy is a key partner in the effort to end homelessness in North Wales

Where we live has never been more important to how we live. The Home manifesto highlights some of the key challenges facing the sector, with housing associations committed to working side by side with the next Welsh Government to build healthier, more prosperous, and better-connected communities, along with a commitment to meet zero carbon targets. Part of that commitment is bringing an end to homelessness.
Cartrefi Conwy has partnered with Conwy Council to tackle homelessness in the county. Read more about their work here:
“The Conwy Housing Solutions Partnership between Cartrefi Conwy and Conwy County Borough Council has now been running for five years. It includes a range of services including homeless prevention, a social lettings agency, temporary accommodation service, and the housing register management. We are proud to have developed this further in response to the impact of the pandemic and support the Welsh Government commitment that no rough sleepers should return to the street.
“In 2020 we put the development of a significant regeneration scheme in Conwy on hold to enable twelve families to move out of unsuitable B&B and/or emergency accommodation, and make use of the empty homes. All the tenants are now receiving work, learning, and employability skills support.
"We have already signed up and provided accommodation through the ‘Housing First’ scheme which accommodates rough sleepers. We also agreed to let 50% of available homes to homeless households to support the COVID-19 response. We have also just completed work on eight single-person modular eco-homes for homeless households in Conwy and are bringing 10 empty homes back into use every year in Conwy and Denbighshire for affordable housing.
"Colleagues have rallied to raise awareness and much-needed funds for homeless services in North Wales. In early 2020, colleagues joined Clwyd Alyn to raise awareness of homelessness as well as raising much-needed money in the Big Sleep Out, taking to the streets from 10pm to 6am the next morning. The aim was to raise awareness of homelessness issues, raise much-needed funds for local charities, and for participants to get a better understanding of what homeless people deal with on a nightly basis. £7,000 was raised for the funding of local homeless services.”
Find out more about the Home manifesto here.
Cartrefi Conwy has partnered with Conwy Council to tackle homelessness in the county. Read more about their work here:
“The Conwy Housing Solutions Partnership between Cartrefi Conwy and Conwy County Borough Council has now been running for five years. It includes a range of services including homeless prevention, a social lettings agency, temporary accommodation service, and the housing register management. We are proud to have developed this further in response to the impact of the pandemic and support the Welsh Government commitment that no rough sleepers should return to the street.
“In 2020 we put the development of a significant regeneration scheme in Conwy on hold to enable twelve families to move out of unsuitable B&B and/or emergency accommodation, and make use of the empty homes. All the tenants are now receiving work, learning, and employability skills support.
"We have already signed up and provided accommodation through the ‘Housing First’ scheme which accommodates rough sleepers. We also agreed to let 50% of available homes to homeless households to support the COVID-19 response. We have also just completed work on eight single-person modular eco-homes for homeless households in Conwy and are bringing 10 empty homes back into use every year in Conwy and Denbighshire for affordable housing.
"Colleagues have rallied to raise awareness and much-needed funds for homeless services in North Wales. In early 2020, colleagues joined Clwyd Alyn to raise awareness of homelessness as well as raising much-needed money in the Big Sleep Out, taking to the streets from 10pm to 6am the next morning. The aim was to raise awareness of homelessness issues, raise much-needed funds for local charities, and for participants to get a better understanding of what homeless people deal with on a nightly basis. £7,000 was raised for the funding of local homeless services.”
Find out more about the Home manifesto here.